SEO Content appears the first in source code and on the very bottom of page. Its placement depends on Module.

1. Edit it in CMS "SEO Content" Content Area on normal CMS pages.

2. E-commerce categories have it in "SEO ("SEO Content")" section.

3. E-commerce Product is editable in "SEO Data (Content)" section.

There is default image that is in /styles/responsive/c/ folder. If you want to replace it with another default image, just upload image with "caption-sub.jpg" name to the folder. Size should be 1920 x 320px

You can use Caption Image field in CMS to replace it on specific pages.

Or upload Category Image on E-Commerce pages.

1. CMS - "Header" field

2. Ecommerce Category - category name

3. Ecommerce Product - product name

4. Blog list - blog name

5. Blog post - post name

6. News/Events item - news/events name


Blog and News/Events module also contain subtitle that is pushed automatically from modules

WT TOUR 2016

Position Dog Breed Class Classification Place Total
1 Blackthorn Izar LR 80 70 14 164
2 SedgeGrass Hop, Skip and Jump CBR 60 75 16 151
3 Be Naya Arlet Star LR 60 70 18 148
4 Blackthorn Gandalf LR 80 40 16 136
5 Blackthorn Menkib LR 80 40 10 130
6 Cool Alf Arlet Star LR 60 60 6 126
7 Cool Peppermint Arlet Star LR 60 50 6 116
8 Bazingaaa Dark Lavondyss LR 20 75 20 115
9 Kornay Hunting Vane Roddy LR 80 30 0 110
9 Lanefoot Bunty of Eastdale LR 80 30 0 110
9 Trompeterbakkens Teddy LR 80 30 0 110
12 Flying Flap Ears Frederike LR 80 25 4 109
13 Flycatcher Bela LR 80 20 6 106
14 Blackthorn Giansar LR 80 20 4 104
15 An Ross Arlet Star LR 80 20 2 102
16 Fendale Bec mac 'De LR 60 35 6 101
17 Cool Polly Arlet Star LR 40 50 10 100
17 Arapaho Shelf Lavondyss LR 80 20 0 100
17 Blackthorn Biham LR 80 20 0 100
17 Wildwind's Roller Coaster LR 80 20 0 100
17 Watergreen Joker LR 80 20 0 100
22 Hera's Maisie von Bauernhirschtal GR 60 35 4 99
23 Xandro vom Fichtenhorst LR 80 15 2 97
24 Amasha Jane La Mimadite LR 40 55 0 95
24 Wildwind Teal LR 80 15 0 95
24 Be Harley Arlet Star LR 40 45 10 95
27 Flamboyant Starlight Oasis of Peace FCR 60 25 8 93
28 Arny Bohemian Chocolate LR 40 45 6 91
29 Bsuna´s Alpin Paolo LR 80 10 0 90
30 Beowulf Dark Lavondyss LR 20 55 12 87
31 Brown Eyed Girl Malmesbury Optimus Canis FCR 60 20 2 82
32 Arapaho Amadorado Lavondyss LR 60 15 6 81
33 Cee Amazing Frace LR 40 40 0 80
34 Blackthorn Phaenna LR 60 15 4 79
35 Arapaho Remus Lavondyss LR 60 15 0 75
35 Arapaho Tessa Lavondyss LR 60 15 0 75
37 Angel of Brookbank LR 60 10 0 70
38 Bauglir Dark Lavondyss LR 20 45 4 69
39 Ellie Ideal Dog LR 40 25 0 65
39 Paartal Pioneer's Irazú FCR 60 5 0 65
41 Paartal Pioneer´s Indiana FCR 40 20 4 64
42 Face To Face You're The Inspiration LR 40 20 2 62
42 Reedbed Anthony LR 40 20 2 62
44 Cartouche z Kladenských zahrad LR 40 20 0 60
44 Isaszegi - Merész Vadász Alíz LR 40 20 0 60
46 Afram Taefa Sannur Rydgadur GR 20 35 2 57
46 Weljesten Pink Floyd Au GR 40 15 2 57
48 TreasureYarden's A.J. Gemstone LR 40 15 0 55
48 TreasureYarden's A.J. Ziva LR 40 15 0 55
48 Eo Ipso Magnum Opus GR 40 15 0 55
48 Cool Frieda Arlet Star LR 40 15 0 55
52 In Wonderland with Alice of Tintagel Winds LR 20 30 4 54
53 Zulana Rewa z Borowskich Stawów LR 40 10 2 52
54 Extra Much Love Apollo Thirteen LR 40 10 0 50
54 Adonis na Orpilu LR 40 10 0 50
54 Ella vom Fichtenhorst LR 40 10 0 50
57 Happy Cherry Jelly Rusty Love GR 40 5 0 45
57 Let Me Shine Brdské Zlato GR 20 25 0 45
57 Petprints Sirius GR 40 5 0 45
57 Jelly Belly of Styrian Watergirl LR 40 5 0 45
61 Gulliondale Ardee Ash LR 20 20 2 42
62 Huntingscource Anakin Skywalker LR 20 20 0 40
62 Welldox Best Madoc GR 20 20 0 40
64 Barghest Dark Lavondyss LR 20 15 2 37
64 Belenus Dark Lavondyss LR 20 15 2 37
66 Absolut First Izolda Garonera NSDTR 20 15 0 35
66 Greenbriar Whistle LR 20 15 0 35
66 Minette Springcurl CCR 20 15 0 35
66 Artistic Soul Golden Gaj GR 20 15 0 35
66 Ghost Jax Aurea Rosa GR 20 15 0 35
71 Bsunas Chattanooga Choo Choo LR 20 10 4 34
72 Gillian's Choice Ever So Clever FCR 20 10 2 32
73 Compendio Samba Princess Of The Sun FCR 20 10 0 30
73 Absolut First Ida Garonera NSDTR 20 10 0 30
73 Dutch Sunday Rusty Love GR 20 10 0 30
76 Fantastic Frodo Dark Angel od Teplic FCR 20 5 0 25
76 Sweet Temptation Dark Obsession FCR 20 5 0 25
76 Rena Joy Ithaka Bohemia LR 20 5 0 25
76 Frankie Deizigold LR 20 5 0 25
76 Aria Eden Loci LR 20 5 0 25


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