SEO Content appears the first in source code and on the very bottom of page. Its placement depends on Module.

1. Edit it in CMS "SEO Content" Content Area on normal CMS pages.

2. E-commerce categories have it in "SEO ("SEO Content")" section.

3. E-commerce Product is editable in "SEO Data (Content)" section.

There is default image that is in /styles/responsive/c/ folder. If you want to replace it with another default image, just upload image with "caption-sub.jpg" name to the folder. Size should be 1920 x 320px

You can use Caption Image field in CMS to replace it on specific pages.

Or upload Category Image on E-Commerce pages.

1. CMS - "Header" field

2. Ecommerce Category - category name

3. Ecommerce Product - product name

4. Blog list - blog name

5. Blog post - post name

6. News/Events item - news/events name


Blog and News/Events module also contain subtitle that is pushed automatically from modules

WT TOUR 2012

Position Dog Breed Class Classification Place Total
1. Drake's Bay Harley LR 80 70 20 170
2. Blackthorn Biham LR 80 35 12 127
3.-4. Conneywarren Cody LR 80 40 6 126
3.-4. Blackthorn Izar LR 60 60 6 126
5. An Ross Arlet Star LR 60 60 2 122
6. Flying Flap Ears Frederike LR 60 55 4 119
7. Blackthorn Giansar LR 80 25 8 113
8. Dasha Aschinta Libami CBR 40 55 12 107
9. Icke Regent Plus LR 80 15 4 99
10. Ann Amelia Arlet Star LR 40 50 6 96
11. Bally Brittany of Dashby LR 20 65 10 95
12. Waterfriend Too Nice LR 80 10 2 92
13. An Woodquarter Arlet Star LR 60 25 6 91
14. Blackthorn Gandalf LR 80 10   90
15. Deep Glenn Dack LR 80 5 4 89
16. Woodquarter Gundogs' Alabama LR 80 5 2 87
17. Garagill Pike at Blackthorn LR 60 20 6 86
18.-19. Antoinette Riverdance Bohemia LR 80 5   85
18.-19. Paartal Pioneer's Dyngja FCR 80 5   85
20. Quess of Lubberland LR 80 5   85
21. Blackthorn Indira LR 60 20 4 84
22. Waterfriend Void LR 60 15 6 81
23. Blackthorn Justurna LR 60 15 2 77
24. Abby Vltavský tuleň LR 60 15   75
25. Paartal Pioneer's Flói FCR 40 30 4 74
26. Happy Tears Always Welcome LR 60 10   70
27. Kornay Hunting Eycko LR 40 20 6 66
28. Boss z Čertova doupěte FCR 40 25   65
29. Exa Lady Alison LR 40 20 4 64
30. Drakeshead Vogue at Blackthorn LR 40 20 2 62
31. Ragweed's Errol LR 40 15 2 57
32. Aura My Dogmiracle LR 20 30 6 56
33.-36. Sandy z Muchovy boudy LR 40 15   55
33.-36. Benny z Makových dvorů GR 40 15   55
33.-36. Gypsy's Soul Leana CCR 40 15   55
33.-36. Happygirl Golden Blackberrys NSR 40 15   55
37. Flying Flap Ears Easy Edda LR 40 10 4 54
38. Bonnie od Rybníka Kamenný GR 40 10 2 52
39.-42. Crown Joelle von der Königsburg LR 40 10   50
39.-42. Aranka od Čertovy brázdy CBR 40 10   50
39.-42. Lasie z Ročkova LR 40 10   50
39.-42. Amanda Aguzannis LR 40 10   50
43. Respectable's Charmeuse GR 20 25 4 49
44. Annie z Annenských zahrad FCR 20 25 2 47
45.-46. Ballantine Riverdance Bohemia LR 20 20 6 46
45.-46. Flamboyant Starlight Oasis of Peace FCR 20 20 6 46
47. Aristo Anitero FCR 20 20 4 44
48. Brookbank Bluebell LR 20 15 6 41
49.-50. Trompeterbakkens Teddy LR 20 20   40
49.-50. Kornay Hunting Quickstep Lisbeth LR 20 20   40
51.-52. Bailar con Pasión Touch of Heaven GR 20 10   30
51.-52. Amálie My Dogmiracle LR 20 10   30
53. Kornay Hunting Just in Time LR 20 5 2 27
54.-58. Vinox vom Fichtenhorst LR 20 5   25
54.-58. Arwi Terra Bohemia Tilia FCR 20 5   25
54.-58. Chester vom Seller Feld LR 20 5   25
54.-58. Iris z Ročkova LR 20 5   25
54.-58. Arizona Magic of Czech FCR 20 5   25


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