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Sep 23 - Sep 24 , 2017

WT Final Blevice - Kolec


City: Blevice, Kolec
Check-In Location: View Map | GPS: 50.1935153N, 14.2367614E
Testing Location: View Map | GPS: 50.1935153N, 14.2367614E
John Juel Pedersen (DK)

My wife and I have had Golden Retriever’s since 1982 and since 1989 been a member of the Danish
Retriever Club. My shooting license I got in 1973 and since enjoyed hunting. We use our Dogs as family dogs and for hunting and trials. We enjoy being out in the nature to see good Working Dogs in the field.
During more than 25 years we have been breading under the Kennel name “Julis Stjerne”.

In all those years in DRK I have trained dogs on every stage, from the puppy to the champion. It has been a pleasure being able to do this. With my Bitch DKBRCH, DKJCH Julis Stjerne we participated twice in the Coupe d’Europe, once in Belgium where she won the Half Final and in The Netherland Where she won the Final too. Dec. 2015 I got a new pup, so now I have begun a new long journey. I have been a member in our local committee for our Field Trials, this for 24 years and in those years arranged a lot of WT, Cold Game Test and Field Trials. Now I am member of the Judge Committee under the Danish Retriever Club.

I enjoy seeing and judging retrievers in the competitions. To see those well trained dogs’ works with intelligence, style and sped under the lead of a good handler is wonderful.

What we also like in those Dogs, is their ability to be a part of the family, when staying in the house. I like to travel for judging in other countries, which keeps eyes open for what’s happening around with the Retrievers. Until now I judged in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Schweitz, Lichtenstein and Austria.

I am honored to be invited to Judge one of your WT in Czech Republic. Looking forward to meet all of you and see your entire god working Retriever’s.


The classes will be held as follows (there's a limit of 30 dogs every day):

Puppy (E) Class
Novice (L) Class
Intermediate (M) Class
Open (S) Class

23. September 2017 - 8:30
23. September 2017 - 14:00
24. September 2017 - 8:30
24. September 2017 - 13:00

Startin fee:

members of RS CZ
non-members of RS CZ

CZK 1 000,- Kč (40 EUR)
CZK 1 250,- Kč (50 EUR)

Helpers needed! Every helper will receive 500 CZK (18 EUR) for helping in each class. Everybody who is interested in helping please send email to .

If you pay by bank transfer, you must write the name of the event in the note „for payee“ (for example: WT Final).

Deadline for entries: 15. 9. 2017

Registration: 30 min before the beginning of each class in the WT location at the latest.


Accommodation possibilities:

Pension Union

Address: Palackého 100, 274 01 Slaný

Green Club (

Address: Nad Studánkou 30, 252 65 Tursko
Mobile phone: +420 739 388 701

Ubytování Hoštice (

Address: Průběžná 50, Hoštice, 250 69 Vodochody
Mobile phone: +420 602 192 820

Stará Fara

Address: Chržín 1, 273 24 Chržín
Mobile phone: +420 777 217 001

For more information about WT please contact:

Romana Chobotská, tel. +420 776 555 613, e-mail:

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