Testing Location: View Map | GPS: 50°8'52.725"N, 13°41'42.338"E
Martin Incédi (CZ)
My passion for retrievers started already with my first show labrador, which I bought as a pet dog in 2004, but very soon we started with dummy trainings, working tests, cold game tests and hunting days. In 2006 I saw labradors from working lines for the first time. That was love at first sight, which completely changed my life. In June 2007 I bought
first working labrador – my once in a lifetime dog Int. FTCH Blackthorn Biham (Viky). Together we won many WT in Czech Republic and abroad and Viky won an award in almost every competition we entered. In 2010 we started at our first FT and in 2012 I made Viky up to Int. FTCH. We represented Czech Republic 3 times at International Working Test and 2 times at Individual Challenge Cup, where we achieved our greatest success by winning ICC 2014 in France. Together with my wife we trained
another 2 dogs up to open level and this season I started trialling with my young yellow dog from Ireland Watergreen Joker. We also train two promising youngsters from our Lavondyss „A“ litter and hope to start trialling them next season.
I’ve been involved in Retriever Sport CZ association for many years becoming chief trainer in 2009 with the aim to organize WT, seminars and trainings with experienced trainers to improve retriever work in Czech Republic. Since 2006 I’ve been giving training days at our local grounds, but also around Czech Republic and abroad.
I’m looking forward to pleasant weekend and wish everybody best of luck!
Martin Rytíř (CZ)
I have dogs around since my childhood. I work with the labrador retrievers for almost 11 years when I got my first labrador bitch Hany Regent Plus. With Hany, even though she is coming from the show line, I have participated in both WT and hunting tests. We have won the first WT in Czech Republic, 3 times first place in WT – Beginners, once first place in WT – Intermediate, we were Champions of Czech Republic 2007 and winners of the WT tour ČR 2007. She passed Hunting
tests (PZ, SZVP, NFTR, MFTR, ZPR) in first prize as well.
I got a new puppy 4 years ago – a bitch Justurna Blackthorn „Birdy“. She is coming form Hungarian working line. In 2011 she has won Puppy class in her first WT and received also the Judges´Choice, in 2012 she was third in WT Beginners class and in 2013 she has won Intermediate class with flawless score (80 out of 80 points). For the first time I have judged WT in České Budějovice in 2006.
I wish to all competitors good luck and a nicely spent day in Rakovník.
The classes will be held as follows (there's a limit of 30 dogs every day):
Puppy (E) Class | 28. March 2015 - 8:30 |
Novice (L) Class | 28. March 2015 - 13:00 |
Intermediate (M) Class Veteran (V) Class |
29. March 2015 - 8:30 29. March 2015 - 8:30 |
Open (S) Class | 29. March 2015 - 13:00 |
Entry Fee:
members of RS CZ | 600,- Kč (25 EUR) |
non-members of RS CZ | 1000,- Kč (40 EUR) |
If you pay by bank transfer, you must write the name of the event in the note „for payee“ (for example: WT Rakovnik).
Deadline for entries: 22. 3. 2015
"Registration: at the latest 30min before the beginning of each class in the hájenka."
Accommodation possibilities:
Penzion Bezděkov
tel: +420 313 514 151
e-mail: info@penzion-bezdekov.cz
For other informations about the WT please contact:
Martin Incédi, tel. +420 608 622 819 (English)
Miroslav Krejčí, tel. +420 733 670 139 (English, Deutsch)
Dana Slabá, tel. +420 607 565 460