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Jun 11 - Jun 12 , 2016

WT Jestřábec


City: Velké Meziříčí
Check-In Location: View Map | GPS: 49°21'50.6"N 15°59'01.7"E
Testing Location: View Map | GPS: 49°21'50.6"N 15°59'01.7"E
Martin Incédi (CZ)

My passion for retrievers started already with my first show labrador, whom I bought as a pet in 2004, but very soon we started with dummy trainings, working tests, cold game tests and hunting days. In 2006 I saw labradors from working lines for the first time. That was love at first sight, which completely changed my life. In June 2007 I bought first working labrador – my once in a lifetime dog Int. FTCH Blackthorn Biham (Viky). Together we won many WT in Czech Republic and abroad and Viky won an award in almost every competition we entered. In 2010 we started at our first FT and in 2012 I made Viky up to Int. FTCH. We represented Czech Republic 4 times at International Working Test and 2 times at Individual Challenge Cup, where we achieved our greatest success by winning ICC 2014 in France. Since 2013 we breed labradors under Dark Lavondyss affix and I’m very proud that last season I passed first Open trial with my young and very promising dog Arapaho Shelf Lavondyss with very good qualification. We also represented Czech Republic at IWT 2016 in Belgium. Together with my wife we trained another 3 dogs up to open level and we enjoy a lot not only to compete with them, but also do a lot of picking up in the winter.

I dedicated most of my “dog life” to Retriever Sport CZ, where I served as a chief trainer for 7 years until April 2016 helping to create successful and well known club organizing WT, seminars and trainings with experienced trainers to improve retriever work in Czech Republic. For many years I’ve been giving training days at our local grounds, but also around Czech Republic and abroad.

I look forward to spend pleasant weekend in Jestřábec and wish everyone a lot of fun and good luck!

Martin Incédi |

Karel van Loo (NL)

Thank you for the invitation and I believe that I can offer to the competitors at WT Jestřábec balanced yet challenging tests.

In 1984 I became interested in Golden Retrievers. My passion for using and developing working skills typical for retriever started in 1986 when I have got my first dog Falco. I have started with in my first Field Trial in 1989. Today I live with three labrador retrievers Storm, Kane and Joker and we take part in working tests, Field Trials and I also use them during hunting days.

I try to set my excercises in a way that corresponds with hunting practice. I like dogs that cooperate with their handlers and show good drive.

Karel van Loo

The classes will be held as follows (there's a limit of 40 dogs every day):

Puppy (E) Class
Novice (L) Class
Intermediate (M) Class
Veteran (V) Class
Open (S) Class

11. June 2016 - 8:30
11. June 2016 - 13:00
12. June 2016 - 8:30
12. June 2016 - 8:30
12. June 2016 - 13:00

Entry Fee:

members of RS CZ
non-members of RS CZ

25 EUR
40 EUR

If you pay by bank transfer, you must write the name of the event in the note „for payee“ (for example: WT Jestrabec).

Deadline for entries: 7. 6. 2016

Registration: at the latest 30min before the beginning of each class at the meeting location point motel Jestřábec.

Accommodation possibilities:

Motel Jestřábec - mobile phone +420 603 486 635 - reservation of accomodation for RS CZ till end of May 2016!
phone: +420 566 522 845, +420 566 522 846
mobile: +420 603 486 666

For other information about the WT please contact:

Romana Chobotská, tel. +420 776 555 613
Lucie Filišteinová, tel. +420 733 126 899


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