SEO Content appears the first in source code and on the very bottom of page. Its placement depends on Module.

1. Edit it in CMS "SEO Content" Content Area on normal CMS pages.

2. E-commerce categories have it in "SEO ("SEO Content")" section.

3. E-commerce Product is editable in "SEO Data (Content)" section.

There is default image that is in /styles/responsive/c/ folder. If you want to replace it with another default image, just upload image with "caption-sub.jpg" name to the folder. Size should be 1920 x 320px

You can use Caption Image field in CMS to replace it on specific pages.

Or upload Category Image on E-Commerce pages.

1. CMS - "Header" field

2. Ecommerce Category - category name

3. Ecommerce Product - product name

4. Blog list - blog name

5. Blog post - post name

6. News/Events item - news/events name


Blog and News/Events module also contain subtitle that is pushed automatically from modules

Mar 03 , 2019

Annual membership meeting 2019


City: Všenorská 45, 252 02 Jíloviště
Check-In Location: View Map | GPS: 49.9248139N, 14.3353650E
Testing Location: View Map | GPS: 49.9248139N, 14.3353650E

Dear members,

we would like to invite you to the annual membership meeting, which takes place on Sunday 3rd of March 2019 at 11:00 AM in Hotel Palace Cinema, Všenorská 45, 252 02 Jíloviště


1/ Opening of the meeting   
2/ The assessment of the writer and scrutineer  
3/ Report of the president 
4/ Economist report 
5/ Report of the registrar 
6/ Report of the trainer 
7/ Report of the Control Committee 
8/ Approval of the financial statement for 2018
9/ Announcement of results of WT TOUR 2018 
10/ Change of the Statutes of Retriever Sport CZ z.s.
11/ Presentation of calendar of activities for 2019
12/ Discussion 
13/ Conclusion

All members of Retriever Sport CZ are welcome.

The Board of Retriever Sport CZ

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