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Apr 27 - Apr 28 , 2013

WT Řásná


City: Jihlava (Řásná)
Check-In Location: View Map | GPS: 49.228024,15.384185
Testing Location: View Map | GPS: 49.228024,15.384185


Dirk Volders (B) 

I bought my first dog in 1991, a golden retriever, just to have a pet dog. A year later I met a person by coincidence, who went hunting with his Labradors. That was the start of what it is now, a passion. I had 3 goldens which I took with me for picking-up. Then I bought my first Labrador dog in 2001 by the Goodwood Kennel. With my first Labrador dog, Goodwood Zenith, I had a few victories on workingtests and Field Trials. The real rapids in handling of Labradors came with Int. & FT. Ch. Enjoy des Quatre Cyprès. Enjoy gave me all a retriever can give his handler. Very nice dog who won many Field Trials in Belgium and abroad. The highlights are the victories with the Belgium team on the Coupe d’Europe in Denmark and France, and the victory of the Individual Challenge Cup (ICC) in Germany in 2010. But the most important in handling my dogs is to have pleasure on the many moments that I’m together with them. On training, picking-up, Field Trials, ….

Since 2011 I judge on Belgian workingtests and Field Trials, and since 2012 I’m an official FCI judge.

I’m very glad that I’m invited on this event, and I hope that all of you will have also a good time as participant or organizer.

Martin Incédi (CZ)



My name is Martin Incedi and I live with my wife Tanja, who also handles the dogs successfully, 10 months old son Chris and 6 dogs in a small village in northern Moravia region. I bought my first labrador as a pet dog in 2004 and since 2006 we entered the retriever world – dummies, game, hunting days. In the autumn 2006 I saw labradors from working lines for the first time. That was a love at first sight, which completely changed my life. I was lucky to meet Rita Kökény shortly after, who introduced me to the working retrievers world and also entrusted me the puppy from her B litter. In June 2007 first labrador from working lines came into my life – Int. FTCH Blackthorn Biham (Viky). Together we won many WTs in the Czech republic and abroad and Viky won an award in almost every competition he entered. In 2010 we competed in Individual Challenge Cup and in 2011 in IWT. Viky also won 3 FTs and became an Int. FTCH in 2012. Together with my wife we trained another 2 dogs up to the WT Open level (Blackthorn Giansar and Conneywarren Cody). Now I start training with Watergreen Joker, our promising youngster from Ireland.

Our whole life is about the dogs nowadays. We run an e-shop and boarding kennels and I also hold trainings for gundog breeds at our local grounds, but also around the Czech republic and abroad. In the summer time you can meet us on the WTs and we also take part in as many trainings as we can with our dogs. During the shooting season I enjoy spending all my free time picking up with my dogs. Since 2009 I’m also the chief trainer of Retriever Sport CZ association, which organizes WTs, seminars and trainings with experienced trainers to improve the retriever work in the Czech republic.

In 2012 we established our kennel Lavondyss and hope to have the first puppies out of our Cody this spring.

I’m looking forward to the pleasant weekend and wish everybody lot of fun and best of luck!




The classes will be held as follows (there's a limit of 30 dogs every day):

Puppy (E) Class 27. april 2013 - 8:30
Novice (L) Class 27. april 2013 - 13:00
Intermediate (M) Class 28. april 2013 - 8:30
Open (S) Class 28. april 2013 - 13:00

Entry Fee:

members of RS CZ 600,- Kč
non-members of RS CZ 1000,- Kč

If you pay by bank transfer, you must write the name of the event in the note „for payee“ (for example: WT Rasna).

Deadline for entries: 21. 4. 2013  

"Registration: at the latest 30min before the beginning of each class at the meeting location point -"

Accommodation possibilities:

Camp Řásná
tel: +420 567 379 449
mobil: +420 607 558 432


For other informations about the WT please contact:

Martin Incédi, tel. +420 608 622 819 (English)
Miroslav Krejčí, tel. +420 733 670 139 (English, Deutsch)
Dana Slabá, tel. +420 607 565 460

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