SEO Content appears the first in source code and on the very bottom of page. Its placement depends on Module.

1. Edit it in CMS "SEO Content" Content Area on normal CMS pages.

2. E-commerce categories have it in "SEO ("SEO Content")" section.

3. E-commerce Product is editable in "SEO Data (Content)" section.

There is default image that is in /styles/responsive/c/ folder. If you want to replace it with another default image, just upload image with "caption-sub.jpg" name to the folder. Size should be 1920 x 320px

You can use Caption Image field in CMS to replace it on specific pages.

Or upload Category Image on E-Commerce pages.

1. CMS - "Header" field

2. Ecommerce Category - category name

3. Ecommerce Product - product name

4. Blog list - blog name

5. Blog post - post name

6. News/Events item - news/events name


Blog and News/Events module also contain subtitle that is pushed automatically from modules

WT TOUR 2007

Místo Pes Plemeno Třída Ocenění Umístění Celkem
1. Hany Regent Plus LR 60 65 18 143
2.-3. Eve's Elisabeth Tetřeví dvůr LR 40 60 14 114
2.-3. Icke Regent Plus LR 20 80 14 114
4. Fair Regent Plus LR 80 25 6 111
5. A'Michelle Excellent Étincelant GR 40 45 10 95
6. Arleta od Drexlerova mlýna LR 40 45 6 91
7. Kassie z Muchovy boudy LR 40 40 8 88
8. Ari od Říčanského rybníka GR 40 35 8 83
9.-10. Aramis Regent Knight LR 20 55 6 81
9.-10. Caerin Artesia Bohemica GR 40 35 6 81
11. Ossian Sable Blues LR 40 30 4 74
12.-13. Bernie z Botičských meandrů GR 20 50 2 72
12.-13. Casper Artesia Bohemica GR 40 30 2 72
14. Archie Regent Knight LR 20 40 10 70
15. Fantasia Lady Libošovská blata LR 20 45 4 69
16. Herbert ze Štěkotu GR 40 20 6 66
17. Abby Vltavský tuleň LR 20 35 8 63
18.-19. Blue Velvet Janis Joplin LR 20 40 2 62
18.-19. Edith Artesia Bohemica GR 20 40 2 62
20.-21. Aletta od Syenitových skal GR 20 30 4 54
20.-21. Exquisite the Dream Team GR 20 30 4 54
22.-23. Arabela Zelená Jazerá GR 40 10 2 52
22.-23. Blackthorn Alphecca LR 40 10 2 52
24.-25. Bailie Pohoda LR 40 10   50
24.-25. Dorris Aurea Rosa GR 20 30   50
26. Diamond Aurea Rosa GR 20 25 4 49
27.-28. Annie ze Sechova GR 20 20 6 46
27.-28. Joan Hanny z Bohyně lovu LR 20 20 6 46
29.-30. Baddy z Královských teras GR 20 25   45
29.-30. Kitti z Muchovy Boudy LR 20 25   45
31. Ali z Borového dvora GR 20 20 4 44
32.-35. Airin Black Brilliance FCR 20 20   40
32.-35. Jack od Kamenné hradby GR 20 20   40
32.-35. Zokkia z Trojánku LR 20 20   40
32.-35. Crazy Santana Golden GR 20 20   40
36.-45. Alma z Hlásnice LR 20 10   30
36.-45. Dany Sable Blues LR 20 10   30
36.-45. Enie Daysi Art LR 20 10   30
36.-45. Falkon Fergie Kelečský poklad LR 20 10   30
36.-45. Griffin Sunrise Bonny Dux FCR 20 10   30
36.-45. Chivas Regal Draco Minor LR 20 10   30
36.-45. Whisky Scottish Salble Blues LR 20 10   30
36.-45. Alan ze Štěkovského lesa FCR 20 10   30
36.-45. Dizzy z Pařízku LR 20 10   30
36.-45. Eywy z Havlova Dvora GR 20 10   30
46. Samuel Chlupaté štěstí GR 20 5   25


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